Thursday 1 March 2012

Get The Girl

Game: Get The Girl
Developer: Some terrible person
Platform: PC (Windows 3.1)
Release Year: Early 90's
Stephen's Rating: 0/10

Basic Plot

The scenario is that you are a guy trying to get into a girl's pants. 


The game at its essence was a sort of quiz or text adventure. The only means of interaction you had was to respond to or ask questions which were simple text.  I can't remember much more than that.

Before you started you got to pick from one of a few "characters" to play as. They all looked like dirty old homeless men, potentially sexual predators. The game wasn't off to a good start.

From then on you'll be shown a stock image of a woman in a bikini and a bunch of cliché but grilling questions which never end. If you do succeed in wooing the first lady she tells you to woo her friend which is as much fun as the first time round but the novelty (if there ever was any) has worn off.



I couldn't find any review or information about the game other than what I had in my memory, plus I found this video which pretty much sums it up.


Cheesy, terrible concept, not fun at all, not even a game, badly designed, AWFUL sound effects. The world would be a better place if this game had never been developed.

Memorable Moments

None. I mostly managed to block out the memory of this awful piece of software.

1 comment:

  1. You IDIOT - if you impressed the second lady enough she got naked - you could see her tits! This was the best thing ever when I was 15 years old
