Sunday 11 December 2011

Doom II: Hell on Earth

Game: Doom II: Hell on Earth
Developer: id Software
Platform: PC
Release Year: 1994
Stephen's Rating: 6/10

Basic Plot

After the events of DOOM the nameless marine returns to Earth only to discover it has also been overrun by demons. The remaining humans have built huge space ships to escape, but the demons have captured them and are preventing their escape. The nameless marine liberates the ships and allows the humans to escape, then he travels through the portal to Hell where he battles and defeats the Icon of Sin. In doing so he is able to close the portal and save Earth.


Doom II is a first person shooter and used the same engine as the original game. There were no technological upgrades, but the game included larger and more complex levels.

There were a number of new monsters to fight, and one new weapon - the Super Shotgun which was a double barrelled shotgun devastating in very close quarters.

One of the new enemies. Rocket launcher in hand.


Multiplayer was fun, the new complexity of the levels and the new enemies made it just different enough to make it stand out and hold interest.


Pretty much cashing in on the success of the original, fairly repetitive and linear gameplay.

Another new enemy, chainsaw in hand. Notice the glowing eyes of god-mode on the players face bottom centre. Can't remember if this was only a cheat or if you could get a power-up in the game that gave you this temporarily.

Memorable Moments

This was the first multiplayer network game I played (I think). I used to play it over my 33.6 k modem with my friend Nick. We played quite a bit of deathmatch and also some of the co-operative mode.

Afterthought: This was also the first game I made my own levels for. I found the level editor fairly intuitive and it was a good addition to the game.

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