Monday 14 November 2011

Home Alone

Game: Home Alone
Developer: Sega
Platform: Sega Megadrive/Genesis
Release Year: 1991
Stephen's Rating: 5/10

I never owned this game but I remember on several occasions watching a friend of mine play it who lived down the road. There are many versions of this game and I don't know which one I played exactly, only that it was on the Sega Megadrive.

Basic Plot

It was based strongly on the movie released in 1990. Unsurprisngly you play the role of Kevin McCallister, and you have to lay traps down to hinder the bad guys who enter your home while your parents are away.


I remember very little about the game but there were two phases of gameplay. First you would set traps - you had a certain amount of freedom within a limited time frame to place whatever you thought would work best. In the second phase the bad guys would come over and try and get you. I don't remember much other than seeing them getting hit by the traps.


I have a fond memory of the game even though I don't think I even played it.

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